How Can I Sell a Small Home?

You want to sell a small home, your home, because you’re ready to upsize, relocate, or just want a change. There’s just one problem: you’re going-up against some large competition and with interest rates still low, plenty of mortgage products, as well as house prices remaining quite affordable, you think it will be too big a challenge.

You’re not very fond of the alternative, renting it out, because you don’t want to take on the responsibilities of being a landlord. What’s more, you’ll need the proceeds from the sale to put into your new place, so, leasing it to tenants is just not a viable option. You need to sell your tiny home, it’s the “how” that’s most perplexing.

Selling a Tiny Home versus an Average Size

Okay, so you’re more than just a bit concerned about the size of your place and have reservations that you’ll be able to sell it for what it’s actually worth. Don’t worry too much, though there will be some challenges, your home presents very real and unique features that will be great marketing assets.

“If you’re looking at the undulating real estate scene and think you’re smaller-than-average-home has no shot, think again. Your house is the perfect fit for a lot of people. Anyone looking to save on utilities, taxes and yard work — from first-time buyers to baby boomers to the eco-minded — is going small. Plus, the idea of average is shrinking for a lot of people as those McMansions are proving too big and expensive for a lot of budgets.” —HGTV Frontdoor

The fact that your house is small means that it will stand out from those average size homes on the market. Remember, there will always be buyers in the market that are very budget-conscious, people who are set on finding a home that won’t become buyer’s remorse, draining their wallet month after month.

How You Sell a Small House

The place to start is with your own perception and attitude. This will be key to selling your home for what it’s truly worth, because potential buyers will assuredly sense you’re lack of confidence. Focus on the positives and point buyers to the same by doing these things:

  • Begin with curb appeal. There are a number of studies which clearly show that buyers form an impression of a home within the first seven to ten seconds. It’s true and it’s critical to any home, no matter the size. So, make sure the landscaping looks great, but not complicated. Color is a nice touch but don’t go overboard, you want it to look nice, but not like a maintenance headache.
  • Make the outside part of the living space. Add or arrange outdoor furniture in a way that makes the immediate exterior of your home part of the living space that continues through the front and back doors. Because of the wonderful Orlando weather, buyers will already be set on spending plenty of time outside.
  • Highlight those money-saving features. You can do this a number of ways, one is to actually list the utilities and property tax savings, another is to speak about how much money you save versus your neighbor down the road with the larger home.
  • Keep the interior staging simple. If you’re able, downsize the furniture, you can rent it if you’d like, storing your large couch elsewhere. In addition, establish a clear flow so people don’t feel the space is inadequate.

Another thing you should do is to reduce the clutter. In any place, home staging includes depersonalizing and removing clutter, and this is certainly no exception. Empty the closets until they’re only about 30 percent full and be sure to let the light cascade inside every room. To get it more attention, be sure to market it to international buyers who are looking for a vacation property or are relocating.