Small home selling is a huge, monumental task. And, mostly for the reasons one would first imagine. A tiny house just doesn’t offer the appeal of an average sized house. But, that doesn’t mean you’re stuck with it for the rest of your life. Or, that you’ve got to sell it for a deeply discounted price. Here in Orlando, the real estate market remains hot. Which means there’s bound to be at some level of interest. Your job is to tap into the niche buyer market and make it a real-life must-see. This way, you can sell it for a fair price and buy a larger house. So, read on to learn some helpful small house selling tips you can use.
Biggest Tiny Home Selling Challenges
Alright, the most obvious challenge to selling a small sized house is, well it’s size. Yes, it’s true that smaller homes do tend to take a bit longer to sell. And, it’s also true you’ll have to use a bit of creativity to market it effectively. However, once you’ve got an understanding of how to make it appealing, the rest is a cinch. You’ll easily be able to make it more attractive.
“If you’re looking at the undulating real estate scene and think you’re smaller-than-average-home has no shot, think again. Your house is the perfect fit for a lot of people. Anyone looking to save on utilities, taxes and yard work — from first-time buyers to baby boomers to the eco-minded — is going small. Plus, the idea of average is shrinking for a lot of people as those McMansions are proving too big and expensive for a lot of budgets.” —HGTV Frontdoor
That’s’ really the key, by the way. Regardless of size, a property must have certain elements of appeal. If it lacks in one, focus on the others. It’s that simple. You’re selling not just size, but location, amenities, and much more. When you understand this, it’s a whole lot easier to feel confident. Besides, there will always be buyers in the market that are very budget-conscious and that’s really good news.
Small Home Selling Tips and Tricks You can Use
All of this is to say, you need to make it about positive perception and inspire the right attitude. If you do this, you’ll attract the right types of buyers. Thereby, garner the interest necessary to facilitate a sale. Here are the top small home selling tips and tricks you can use:
- Pump up the curb appeal. There are a number of studies which clearly show that buyers form an impression of a home within the first seven to ten seconds. Which means you don’t have much time. Fortunately, most people will first see it online and then in-person. To make the best impression, improve the curb appeal.
- Extend the living space outside. One great way to help sell a small house is to add living space. And, it doesn’t need to always be indoors. Extend the living space to the outside using outdoor furniture and decor.
- Highlight all money-saving features. Regardless of the size of the house being sold, it’s always important to point out the money-saving features. You can also compare monthly savings to larger homes in the area as another smart tactic.
- Keep the interior staging really simple. Downsize the furniture by taking one or more pieces out. Establish a clear walking path to make it feel more open and less cramped.
If you’re going to sell your home in the near future and buy a new house, please don’t hesitate to phone me at 407-616-7286, I’ll be happy to speak with you.